Today is the last day of 2013.
The year where I finally turned 21st year old.
The year where I think most enjoyable and meaningful to me.
Meeting new friends and having difficulties whenever it comes to serious study.
It's the 4 months semester break and the 2 semester of 3rd year study in university.
Firstly, we finally finished our 2nd year final exam.
Therefore we went for a batch gathering dinner.
After that, it's the start of our long waited 4 months semester break.
Before going for CNY, we had a great 12 days trip throughout Sarawak.
Soon, after back from Sarawak, it's Chinese New Year in Johor.
The Reunion Dinner:
The CNY Family Gathering in Penang:
It's my Birthday, where I turned 21st year old!
This was what my roommate did for me... =P
Right after Birthday celebration, 4/3/13, I traveled to Vietnam with Michelle & Raymond.
Meeting two new seniors, Vy and Ha as our guide.
When we get back to Malaysia, it's time for some serious study... together with Michelle... we took a research topic and start doing experiment all days.
Of course we do play around and this was when we get to know some new post grad friends...
We play badminton and drinks in Ipoh too. =)
And the travels never end...
National Park in Pahang
Ipoh town trip
Kota Kinabalu in Sabah
And my dad finally bought a great camera...
Then it's time where the 3rd year study start...
It's the 10days fieldcamp in Tasik Banding
And the normal boring classes...
The Red Sonata <Winter>, I was not performing or in comittee but sit and watch.
Of course we were still meeting up postgrad and senior for foods.
Vietnamese style steamboat and Tanjung Tualang with Henry the boss!
We took part in charity activity - Famine30 too! I still remember the hunger.
The beloved and sarcastic lecturer left UTP but we will never forget him... ='(
p/s: I do get an A for this course... hmmm...
After the 1st semester final exam ends, we went for OBS!
And the short one week semester break.
---3rd year 2nd sem---
We never stop hanging out at the start of semester...
We are still enjoying life~ RSF appreciation trip, Kheng Heong Uncle belanja in Gopeng.
The most significant event for this month is the convocation of some funny close memorable seniors.
Upon the convocation, we suddenly crazy and took part in the treasure hunt.
There we thought optimistically to get 1st prize, but end up 2nd prize only. LOL Satisfied~
Maggi Goreng team.
Climbed Kledang...
And celebrate friend's birthday...
Nothing much, but tests and quizes...
After the packed weeks, we hangout again to relax...
Mostly were about farewell celebration...
Besides those, 2013 is the year where I started to jog and cook too!
So, this year finally come to an end.
It's a amazing year with lots of activities and many'The 1st Time...'.
Eg. First time went to bar, First time travels without parent, First time Jog...etc.
I think I had lived my 365days in 2013 to the fullest and no regrets.
21st year old only live once in life! How I wish I would stay forever 21yr old.
Everything changes when time pass: my hair grow longer, my eyesight improved-new spec, going to class puntually, my CGPA increased, I cook better, Facebook viewed more, Close Friends come and go, getting Thinner/Fatter, new couples formed,...etc.
The only thing that hasn't change is... I am still Single! and my height no change too.
So, you might ask what did I expect for 2014 or any wishes?
I just want to explore more into myself and every corner I visited.
Smile and create more wonders!
---See you in 2014---